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Online Reports

Names in bold denote CRaNHR investigators and research staff. Names with an * denote former CRaNHR investigators and research staff.


Vanderburgh D, Webster M, Burton J, Ritchie S, Russell J, Sorsa L, Boriss E, Orkin A.


​Vanderburgh D, Webster M, Burton J, Ritchie S, Russell J, Sorsa L, Boriss E, Orkin A. 

September 2018

Boroma, S., Gauthier, A.P., Chomienne, M-H., Prud'homme, D., et Kpazaï, G.  

18-19-20 August 2015

Engaging Communities in Setting Priorities for Home and Community Care in Northeastern Ontario /

Mobilisation des collectivités dans l'établissement des priorités pour les soins à domicile et les soins communautaires dans le nord-est de l'Ontario

McMaster Health Forum (McMaster University) and CRaNHR (Laurentian University)

July 2015 (Revised)

Canada's Low-Risk Alcohol Drinking Guidelines Among Post-Secondary Students

Charbonneau, V., A.P. Gauthier, J. Martel, D.J. Urajnik, J. Dénommé, S. Laclé, M. Lefebvre, D. Malaviarachchi, I. Michel*, and N. Thistle

Full Report in English (Revised)

Sommaire en français (Révisé)


For citing purposes, please use: 

Charbonneau, V., Gauthier, A.P., Martel, J., Urajnik, D., Dénommé, J., Laclé, S., Lefebvre, M., Malaviarachchi, D., Michel, I., Thistle, N. (2014). Canada's low-risk alcohol drinking guidelines among post-secondary students. Sudbury, ON: Sudbury & District Health Unit.
Charbonneau, V., Gauthier, A.P., Martel, J., Urajnik, D., Dénommé, J., Laclé, S., Lefebvre, M., Malaviarachchi, D., Michel, I., Thistle, N. (2014). Les directives de consommation d'alcool à faible risque du Canada chez les étudiants du post-secondaire. Sudbury (ON) : Service de santé publique de Sudbury et du district.

December 12, 2014

Development of an Evaluation Framework for the Local Education Groups (LEGs) Initiative
(The LEGs Evaluation Project)

Sherman, J.E. and W. Warry

April 2014

How Well Does Ontario's Primary Health Care Nurse Practitioner Education Prepare Nurses for Advanced Professional Practice Roles and Responsibilities?

Koren, I.O. Mian, R. Heale, S. LacarteE. Rukholm, J. Fournier, and K. Lamarche

March 31, 2014

The Socio-Economic Contribution of Health Sciences North / Horizon Santé-Nord to Northeastern Ontario

Hogenbirk, J.C., D. Zitikyte, D. Kaymak, M. Lasota, M. McCracken, S. Barnett*O. Mian, and M. Delmege

March 1, 2013

Laurentian University Smoking Behaviour Survey & Policy Scan: Preliminary Findings 2012

Gauthier, A.P., S.C. Dorman, E.F. Wenghofer, V. Charbonneau, C. Dignard, and D. Fleury

December 6, 2012

Evaluation of the City of Lakes Family Health Team Patient Portal Pilot Project

Barnett, S.* and J.C. Hogenbirk

November 2012

The Nurse Practitioner Workforce Study: The 2012 Survey Results

Mian, O.S. Lacarte, and I. Koren

September 11, 2012

Social Inclusion of Seniors and Informal Caregivers in Elliot Lake, Phase II: Experiences of Informal Caregivers

Sherman, J.E. and S. Lacarte

April 2011

Putting Away the Stethoscope for Good? Toward a New Perspective on Physician Retirement

Pong, R.W.

March 25, 2011

Social Inclusion of Seniors and Informal Caregivers in Elliot Lake: A Scoping Study

Sherman, J.E. and P.E. Timony

June 30, 2010

Underserviced Area Program: Recommendations for Baseline Data Collection Requirements for the Development of Specific Performance Measurements

Wenghofer, E.F. and J.C. Hogenbirk

May 2010

Mental Health Services in Smaller Northern Ontario Communities: A Survey of Family Health Teams

Sherman, J.E.R.W. Pong, J.R. Swenson, M.G. Delmege, A. Rudnick, R.G. Cooke, P. Ravitz, and P. Montgomery

May 2010

Mental Health Services in Smaller Northern Ontario Communities: A Survey of Psychiatric Outreach Consultants

Sherman, J.E.R.W. Pong, J.R. Swenson, M.G. Delmege, A. Rudnick, R.G. Cooke, P. Ravitz, and P. Montgomery

November 2009

Exploring the Socio-Economic Impact of the Northern Ontario School of Medicine

Hogenbirk, J.C.M.E. Hill, D.R. Robinson, B. MinoreR.W. PongR.P. StrasserG. BandohO. MianR. Page, and M.G. Delmege

November 2009

Outcomes of the 2003-2004 Rural and Northern Networks Funding Initiative

Wenghofer, E.F.J.E. Sherman, and M.G. Delmege

January 2009

Family Medicine Residency Tracking Study: The 2008 Survey Report

Mian, O.J.C. Hogenbirk, and R.W. Pong

August 2006

Full-Time/Part-Time Employment of Nurses in Small Hospitals in Rural and Northern Ontario:

Current Status, Issues and Options

Sloan, C.*R.W. PongE. RukholmS. Larocque, and R. Pitblado

June 2006

Converting Stroke Best Practices Nursing Education Into a Province Wide Tele-education Module

Schroeder, C., E. Rukholm, L. Kelloway, L. Liboiron-Grenier*L. Carter, M. Wheelwright, and N. Hladin

May 12, 2006

Using Telehealth to Augment Delivery of Mental Health Services by Family Health Teams:

Potential Barriers and Possible Solutions

Hogenbirk, J.C., P. Montgomery, K.M. Boydell, R.W. Pong, and D. Cudney*

March 31, 2006

Keewaytinook Okimakanak Telehealth/NORTH Network Expansion Project

Hogenbirk, J.C., R. Ramirez, A. Ibanez, R.W. Pong, and S. Hardy

March 2006

Nurse Practitioner Workforce Survey and NPAO Electronic Registry Project Report

Sloan, C.*R.W. PongE. Rukholm, and S. Caty*

August 2005

The Link between Rural Medical Education and Rural Medical Practice Location: Literature Review and Synthesis

Pong, R.W. and D. Heng*

May 31, 2005

How Can Telehomecare Support Informal Care? Examining What is Known and Exploring the Potential

Hogenbirk, J.C., L. Liboiron-Grenier*R.W. Pong, and N.L. Young

March 2005

Triage Practices and Procedures in Ontario's Emergency Department

Sloan, C.*R.W. Pong, V. Sahai*, R. Barnett, M. Ward, and J. Williams

June 2004

Strengthening the Medical Workforce in Rural Canada: The Roles of Rural/Northern Medical Education
Component 1: Rural Medical Education: A Review of the Literature

Curran, V., S. Bornstein, M. Jong, L. Fleet, R.W. PongG. TessonR. StrasserJ. Hogenbirk, and F. Wang*



Rural Medical Education: A Review of the Literature is the first component of a research study titled "Strengthening the Medical Workforce in Rural Canada: The Role of Rural/Northern Medical Education." This study was funded by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR).


The CIHR-funded study was conducted jointly by researchers at the Centre for Rural and Northern Health Research (Laurentian University), the Centre for Applied Health Research (Memorial University of Newfoundland), and the Northern Ontario School of Medicine. The investigators of this study were: Raymond W. Pong, Stephen Bornstein, Vernon Curran, Michael Jong, Geoffrey Tesson, and Roger Strasser. Other key individuals of the research team included: Lisa Fleet, John Hogenbirk, and Fanmei Wang.


Rural Medical Education: A Review of the Literature was prepared by Vernon Curran, Stephen Bornstein, Michael Jong, and Lisa Fleet of the Memorial University of Newfoundland.

May 26, 2004

Evaluating Continuing Education for Rural Nurse Practitioners: Literature Review and Annotated Summary

Tilleczek, K.*, L. Liboiron-Grenier*, and R.W. Pong



In 2002, the Council of Ontario University Programs in Nursing (COUPN) began a nurse practitioner continuing education pilot program. The Centre for Rural and Northern Health Research (CRaNHR), Laurentian University, was commissioned by COUPN to evaluate the pilot program.


"Evaluating Continuing Education for Rural Nurse Practitioners: Literature Review and Annotated Summary" is part of the evaluation final report titled An Evaluation of the Rural and Northern Ontario Nurse Practitioner Continuing Education Project, authored by K. Tilleczek, L. Liboiron-Grenier, and R.W. Pong.


"Evaluating Continuing Education for Rural Nurse Practitioners: Literature Review and Annotated Summary" summarizes Canadian and international studies that examine the learning needs of nurse practitioners and the outcomes of continuing education programs.

March 8, 2004

Nature of Rural Medical Practice in Canada: An analysis of the 2001 National Family Physician Survey

Hogenbirk, J.C., F. Wang*R.W. PongG. Tesson, and R. Strasser

April 30, 2003

Environmental Scan for Developing Standards and Guidelines for Telehealth Accreditation

Pong, R.W., T. Cradduck, J. Finley, P. Jennett, P. Brockway, J. Hogenbirk, L. Liboiron-Grenier*, M. Yeo, C. Szpilfogel, and K. Byrne*

April 2003

Continuity of Care for Community-Dwelling Seniors

Salmoni, A.*R.W. PongE. Rukholm, M. Lemonde, J. Horne, R. Knight, R. Joly, B. MacLellan, D. McMillan, L. Andrighetti, L. Martin*, and K. Byrne*

April 2003

Inventory of National Rural Health Research Related Databases
A component of the "Canada's Rural Communities: Understanding Rural Health and its Determinants" study

Heng, D.*


A Review and Synthesis of Strategies and Policy Recommendations on the Rural Health Workforce

Pong, R.W. and N. Russell*

September - October 2002

A strategy for developing environmental health indicators for rural Canada

Pong, R.W.J.R. Pitblado, and A. Irvine*

Full Text Article


(This article is posted with permission from the Canadian Journal of Public Health)
For citing purposes, please use: Pong, R.W., J.R. Pitblado, and A. Irvine* (2002).
"A strategy for developing environmental health indicators for rural Canada."
Canadian Journal of Public Health 93(Supplement 1): S52-S56.

May 2001

Local Regional Impact of Sudbury Regional Hospital and Other Health Care Institutions

McCracken, M.C., M. Lasota, R.W. Pong, and J.C. Hogenbirk

April 2001

Fee-for-service Reimbursement of Telemedicine Services in Canada, 1999/2000

Hogenbirk, J.C.R.W. Pong, and L.J. Liboiron*


Reimbursing physicians for telehealth practice: Issues and policy options

Pong, R.W. and J.C. Hogenbirk

Full Text Article


(This article is posted with permission from the Health Law Review)
For citing purposes, please use: Pong, R.W. and J.C. Hogenbirk (2000).
"Reimbursing physicians for telehealth practice: Issues and policy options."
Health Law Review 9(1): 3-12.

June 1999

Assessing Rural Health: Toward Developing Health Indicators for Rural Canada

Pitblado, J.R.R.W. Pong, A. Irvine*, K.V. Nagarajan*, V. Sahai*, J. Zelmer, L. Dunikowski, and D.A. Pearson*


Geographic Distribution of Physicians in Canada

Pitblado, J.R. and R.W. Pong


Licensing physicians for telehealth practice: Issues and policy options

Pong, R.W. and J.C. Hogenbirk

Full Text Article


(This article is posted with permission from the Health Law Review)
For citing purposes, please use: Pong, R.W. and J.C. Hogenbirk (1999).
"Licensing physicians for telehealth practice: Issues and policy options."
Health Law Review 8(1): 3-14.


Rural Health Research in the Canadian Institutes of Health Research

Pong, R.W., A.M. Atkinson, A. Irvine*, M. MacLeod, B. Minore, A. Pegoraro, J.R. PitbladoM. Stones, and G. Tesson


Mental Health Status and Service Utilization in Northeastern/Northern Ontario

Pitblado, J.R., T. Managhan, L.G. Houle*R.W. Pong, and D. Lapalme

September 1995

Evaluation of Palliative Care Education Programs in Northern Ontario

Caty, S.*M.E. HillJ.B. Minore, and R.W. Pong

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Tel: (705) 675-1151 ext. 4342  |  Fax: (705) 671-3876

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