Publications Archives
1992 - 2009
Angus, J.E., E. Rukholm, I. Michel*, S. Larocque, L. Seto, J. Lapum, K. Timmermans, R. Chevrier-Lamoureux, and R.P. Nolan (2009). "Context and cardiovascular risk modification in two regions of Ontario, Canada: A photo elicitation study." International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 6 (Online): 2481-2499.
Carter, L. and E. Rukholm (2009). "Partnering with an Aboriginal community for health and education." Canadian Journal of University Continuing Education 35(1): 45-60.
Gauthier, A.P., M. Lariviere, and N.L. Young (2009). "Psychometric properties of the IPAQ: A validation study in a sample of northern Franco-Ontarians." Journal of Physical Activity and Health 6(Supplement 1): S54-S60.
Kulig, J.C., D. Edge, W. Reimer, I. Townshend, and N. Lightfoot (2009). "Levels of risk: Perspectives from the Lost Creek Fire." The Australian Journal of Emergency Management 24(2): 33-39.
Lightfoot, N. and C. Berriault (2009). Mortality and Cancer Incidence in Vale-Inco Ontario Nickel Workers. Sudbury, Ontario: School of Rural and Northern Health, Laurentian University.
Luke, R., P. Solomon, S. Baptiste, P. Hall, C. Orchard, E. Rukholm, and L. Carter (2009). "Online interprofessional health sciences education: From theory to practice." The Journal of Continuing Education in the Health Professions 29(3): 161-167.
Maxwell, C. J., J. Kang, J. D. Walker, J. X. Zhang, D. B. Hogan, D. H. Feeny, and W. P. Wodchis (2009). "Sex differences in the relative contribution of social and clinical factors to the Health Utilities Index Mark 2 meaure of health-related quality of life in older home care clients." Health and Quality of Life Outcomes 7:80.
Neunert, C.E., G.R. Buchanan, V. Blanchette, D. Barnard, N.L. Young, C. Curtis, and R.J. Klaassen (2009). "Relationships among bleeding severity, health-related quality of life, and platelet count in children with immune thrombocytopenic purpura." Pediatric Blood and Cancer 53(4): 652-654.
Ng, G.F.-M. and R.W. Pong (2009). "Social capital and health outcomes: Implications for social work practice." Chapter 11.3, pp 178-189, in P. Bywaters, E. McLeod, and L. Napier, eds. Social Work and Global Health Inequalities. Bristol, United Kingdom: The Policy Press.
Nowrouzi, B., N. Lightfoot, K. Cote, and R. Watson (2009). "Workplace support for employees with cancer." Current Oncology 16(5): 15-22.
Pong, R.W. (2009). "A new medical school in the big picture: Setting the scene." Chapter 2, pp 20-32, in G. Tesson, G. Hudson, R. Strasser, and D. Hunt, eds. The Making of the Northern Ontario School of Medicine: A Case Study in the History of Medical Education. Montreal, Quebec and Kingston, Ontario: McGill-Queen's University Press.
Pong, R.W., M. DesMeules, and C. Lagacé (2009). "Rural-urban disparities in health: How does Canada fare and how does Canada compare with Australia?" Australian Journal of Rural Health 17(1): 58-64.
Qian, D.+, R.W. Pong, A. Yin, K.V. Nagarajan*, and Q. Meng (2009). "Determinants of health care demand in poor, rural China: The case of Gansu Province." Health Policy and Planning 2009 (Online): 1-11.
Recollet, D., D. Coholic, and S. Cote-Meek (2009). "Holistic arts-based group methods with Aboriginal women." Critical Social Work 10(1): 170-183.
Rukholm, E. (2009). "Rural and remote health care." Chapter 14 in B. Kozier et al., eds. Fundamentals of Canadian Nursing: Concepts, Process, and Practice (Second Canadian Edition). Toronto, Ontario: Pearson Education Canada.
Rukholm, E. and D. Newton-Mathur (2009). "Culture care." Chapter 10 in B. Kozier et al., eds. Fundamentals of Canadian Nursing: Concepts, Process, and Practice (Second Canadian Edition). Toronto, Ontario: Pearson Education Canada.
Rukholm, E., L. Carter, and D. Newton-Mathur (2009). "Interprofessional collaboration and culturally-safe Aboriginal health care." Journal of Distance Education 23(2): 137-146
Rukholm, E.E., L.L. Stamler, L.R. Talbot, G.(P.) Bednash, F. Raines, K. Potempa, P. Nugent, D.J. Macleod Clark, S. Bernhauser, and B. Parfitt (2009). "Scaling up the global nursing health workforce: Contributions of an international organization." Collegian 16(1): 41-45.
Skinner, M.W., N.M. Yantzi, and M.W. Rosenberg (2009). "Neither rain nor hail nor sleet nor snow: Provider perspectives on the challenges of weather for home and community care." Social Science & Medicine 68(2009): 682-688.
Strasser, R. (2009). "Learning medicine in rural and remote community settings." Chapter 3, pp 33-46, in G. Tesson, G. Hudson, R. Strasser, and D. Hunt, eds. The Making of the Northern Ontario School of Medicine: A Case Study in the History of Medical Education. Montreal, Quebec and Kingston, Ontario: McGill-Queen's University Press.
Strasser, R.P., J.H. Lanphear, W.G. McCready, M.H. Topps, D.D. Hunt, and M.C. Matte (2009). "Canada's new medical school: The Northern Ontario School of Medicine: Social accountability through distributed community engaged learning." Academic Medicine 84(10): 1459-1464.
Tesson, G. and J. Whitfield (2009). "For the North, by the North, in the North: From dream to reality." Chapter 1, pp 3-19, in G. Tesson, G. Hudson, R. Strasser, and D. Hunt, eds. The Making of the Northern Ontario School of Medicine: A Case Study in the History of Medical Education. Montreal, Quebec and Kingston, Ontario: McGill-Queen's University Press.
Tesson, G. and R. Strasser (2009). "Beyond NOSM: Lesson for others." Chapter 10, pp 183-201, in G. Tesson, G. Hudson, R. Strasser, and D. Hunt, eds. The Making of the Northern Ontario School of Medicine: A Case Study in the History of Medical Education. Montreal, Quebec and Kingston, Ontario: McGill-Queen's University Press.
Tesson, G., G. Hudson, R. Strasser, and D. Hunt (2009), eds. The Making of the Northern Ontario School of Medicine: A Case Study in the History of Medical Education. Montreal, Quebec and Kingston, Ontario: McGill-Queen's University Press.
Tesson, G., H. Cheu, and R.W. Pong (2009). "The students." Chapter 7, pp 114-130, in G. Tesson, G. Hudson, R. Strasser, and D. Hunt, eds. The Making of the Northern Ontario School of Medicine: A Case Study in the History of Medical Education. Montreal, Quebec and Kingston, Ontario: McGill-Queen's University Press.
Walker, J. D., G. F. Teare, D. B. Hogan, S. Lewis, and C. J. Maxwell (2009). "Identifying potentially avoidable hospital admissions from Canadian long-term care facilities." Medical Care 47(2).
Wenghofer, E., D. Klass, M. Abrahamowicz, D. Dauphinee, A. Jacques, S. Smee, D. Blackmore, N. Winslade, K. Reidel, I. Bartman, and R. Tamblyn (2009). "Doctor scores on national qualifying examinations predict quality of care in future practice." Medical Education 43(12): 1166-1173.
Wenghofer, E.F., A.P. Williams, and D.J. Klass (2009). "Factors affecting physician performance: Implications for performance improvement and governance." Healthcare Policy 5(2): 141-160.
Yantzi, N.M. and M.W. Skinner (2009). "Care/caregiving." In R. Kitchin and N. Thrift, eds. International Encyclopedia of Human Geography. Oxford, United Kingdom: Elsevier.
Yantzi, N.M. and M.W. Skinner (2009). "Providers of care in the home: Sustainable partners in primary health care?" In V.A. Crooks and G.L. Andrews, eds. Primary Health Care: People, Practice, Place. Burlington, Vermont: Ashgate.
Young, N.L., J.W. Varni, L. Snider, A. McCormick, B. Sawatzky, M. Scott, G. King, R. Hetherington, E. Sears, and D. Nicholas (2009). "The Internet is valid and reliable for child-report: An example using the Activities Scale for Kids (ASK) and the Pediatric Quality of Life Inventory (PedsQL)." Journal of Clinical Epidemiology 62(3): 314-320.
Young, N.L., W.S. Barden, W.A. Mills, T.A. Burke, M. Law, and K. Boydell (2009). "Transition to adult-oriented health care: Perspectives of youth and adults with complex physical disabilities." Physical and Occupational Therapy in Pediatrics 29(4): 345-361.
Boydell, K.M., E. Stasiulis, M. Barwick, N. Greenberg, and R.W. Pong (2008). "Challenges of knowledge translation in rural communities: The case of rural children's mental health." Canadian Journal of Community Mental Health 27(1): 49-63.
Goudreau, G., C. Weber-Pillwax, S. Cote-Meek, H. Madill, and S. Wilson (2008). "Hand drumming: Health-promoting experiences of Aboriginal women from a northern Ontario urban community." Journal of Aboriginal Health 4(1): 72-83.
Kulig, J., M. MacLeod, N. Stewart, and R. Pitblado (2008). "Clients in rural areas." Chapter 19, pp 301-310, in L.L. Stamler and L. Yiu, eds. Community Health Nursing: A Canadian Perspective (Second Edition). Toronto, Ontario: Pearson Prentice Hall.
Kulig, J.C., M.E. Andrews, N.L. Stewart, R. Pitblado, M.L.P. MacLeod, D. Bentham, C. D'Arcy, D. Morgan, D. Forbes, G. Remus, and B. Smith (2008). "How do registered nurses define rurality?" Australian Journal of Rural Health 16(1): 28-32.
Lanphear, J.H. and R. Strasser (2008). "Developing partnerships for distributed community-engaged medical education in Northern Ontario, Canada." MEDICC Review 10(4): 15-19.
Lightfoot, N., R.P. Strasser, M. Maar, and K. Jacklin (2008). "Challenges and rewards of health research in northern, rural, and remote communities." Annals of Epidemiology 18(6): 507-514.
Nagarajan, K.V.* (2008). "Some aspects of health and health care in the Sudbury area." In D. Leadbeater, ed. Mining Town Crises: Globalization, Labour and Resistance in Sudbury. Halifax, Nova Scotia: Fernwood Press.
Norman, G.R., E. Wenghofer, and D. Klass (2008). "Predicting doctor performance outcomes of curriculum interventions: Problem-based learning and continuing competence." Medical Education 42(8): 794-799.
O'Brien, K.K., A.M. Bayoumi, C. Strike, N.L. Young, and A.M. Davis (2008). "Exploring disability from the perspective of adults living with HIV/AIDS: Development of a conceptual framework." Health and Quality of Life Outcomes 6 (Online): 76.
Pong, R.W. (2008). "Strategies to overcome physician shortages in northern Ontario: A study of policy implementation over 35 years." Human Resources for Health 6 (Online): 24.
Sheps, S., R.W. Pong, M. Lavoie-Tremblay, and D. MacLellan (2008). "'Between two worlds': Healthcare decision-maker engagement with regional training centres." Healthcare Policy 3(Sp): 58-67.
Strasser, R. and J. Lanphear (2008). "The Northern Ontario School of Medicine: Responding to the needs of the people and communities of Northern Ontario." Education for Health 20(3): 1-11.
Tesson, G., R.W. Pong, and R. Strasser (2008). "Distributed medical education as a solution to physician mal-distribution: One model or many?" Cahiers de sociologie et de démographie médicales 48(2): 289-306.
Tilleczek, K.* (2008). "The failing health of children and youth in Northern Ontario." In D. Leadbeater, ed. Mining Town Crises: Globalization, Labour and Resistance in Sudbury. Halifax, Nova Scotia: Fernwood Press.
Yantzi, N.M. and M.W. Rosenberg (2008). "The contested meanings of home for women caring for children with long-term care needs in Ontario, Canada." Gender, Place and Culture 15(3): 301-315.
2007 Angus, J., E. Rukholm, R. St. Onge, I. Michel*, R.P. Nolan, J. Lapum, and S. Evans (2007). "Habitus, stress, and the body: The everyday production of health and cardiovascular risk." Qualitative Health Research 17: 1088-1102.
Clemenson, J.A. and J.R. Pitblado (2007). "Recent trends in rural-urban migration." Our Diverse Cities 3 (Summer 2007): 25-29.
Conlon, M., N. Lightfoot, and N. Kreiger (2007). "Rotating shift work and risk of prostate cancer." Epidemiology 18(1): 182-183.
Curran, V., L. Fleet, R.W. Pong, S. Bornstein, M. Jong, R.P. Strasser, and G. Tesson (2007). "A survey of rural medical education strategies throughout the medical education continuum in Canada." Cahiers de sociologie et de démographie médicales 47(4): 445-468.
Darlington, G.A., N. Kreiger, N. Lightfoot, J. Purdham, and A. Sass-Kortsak (2007). "Prostate cancer risk and diet, recreational physical activity and cigarette smoking." Chronic Diseases in Canada 27(4): 145-153.
DesMeules, M., W. Luo, F. Wang, and R.W. Pong (2007). "Rural places: Variations in health." Health Policy Research Bulletin 14: 19-22.
Heng, D.*, R.W. Pong, B.T.B. Chan, N. Degani, T. Crichton, J. Goertzen, W. McCready, and J. Rourke (2007). "Graduates of northern Ontario family medicine residency programs practise where they train." Canadian Journal of Rural Medicine 12(3): 146-152.
Lagacé, C., M. Desmeules, R.W. Pong, and D. Heng* (2007). "Non-communicable disease and injury-related mortality in rural and urban places of residence: A comparison between Canada and Australia." Canadian Journal of Public Health 98(Supplement 1): S62-S69.
Pitblado, J.R. (2007). "Rural net migration of Canada's rehabilitative and technical health care workers." Cahiers de sociologie et de démographie médicales 47(4): 427-444.
Pitblado, J.R. (2007). Distribution and Internal Migration of Canada's Audiologist and Speech-Language Pathologist Workforce. Ottawa, Ontario: Canadian Institute for Health Information.
Pitblado, J.R. (2007). Distribution and Internal Migration of Canada's Dental Assistant Workforce. Ottawa, Ontario: Canadian Institute for Health Information.
Pitblado, J.R. (2007). Distribution and Internal Migration of Canada's Dental Hygienist and Dental Therapist Workforce. Ottawa, Ontario: Canadian Institute for Health Information.
Pitblado, J.R. (2007). Distribution and Internal Migration of Canada's Dentist Workforce. Ottawa, Ontario: Canadian Institute for Health Information.
Pitblado, J.R. (2007). Distribution and Internal Migration of Canada's Licensed Practical Nurse Workforce. Ottawa, Ontario: Canadian Institute for Health Information.
Pitblado, J.R. (2007). Distribution and Internal Migration of Canada's Medical Laboratory Technician Workforce. Ottawa, Ontario: Canadian Institute for Health Information.
Pitblado, J.R. (2007). Distribution and Internal Migration of Canada's Medical Laboratory Technologist and Pathologists' Assistant Workforce. Ottawa, Ontario: Canadian Institute for Health Information.
Pitblado, J.R. (2007). Distribution and Internal Migration of Canada's Medical Radiation Technologist Workforce. Ottawa, Ontario: Canadian Institute for Health Information.
Pitblado, J.R. (2007). Distribution and Internal Migration of Canada's Medical Sonographer Workforce. Ottawa, Ontario: Canadian Institute for Health Information.
Pitblado, J.R. (2007). Distribution and Internal Migration of Canada's Occupational Therapist Workforce. Ottawa, Ontario: Canadian Institute for Health Information.
Pitblado, J.R. (2007). Distribution and Internal Migration of Canada's Pharmacist Workforce. Ottawa, Ontario: Canadian Institute for Health Information.
Pitblado, J.R. (2007). Distribution and Internal Migration of Canada's Physiotherapist Workforce. Ottawa, Ontario: Canadian Institute for Health Information.
Pitblado, J.R. (2007). Distribution and Internal Migration of Canada's Registered Nurse Workforce. Ottawa, Ontario: Canadian Institute for Health Information.
Pitblado, J.R. (2007). Distribution and Internal Migration of Canada's Respiratory Therapist, Clinical Perfusionist and Cardiopulmonary Technologist Workforce. Ottawa, Ontario: Canadian Institute for Health Information.
Pitblado, J.R. (2007). Summary Report: Distribution and Internal Migration of Canada's Health Care Workforce. Ottawa, Ontario: Canadian Institute for Health Information. Video: Migration of Health Human Resources in Canada
Pong, R.W. (2007), ed. The Rural Health Workforce in Canada (A special issue of Cahiers de sociologie et de démographie médicales). Paris, France: Centre de sociologie et de démographie médicales.
Pong, R.W. (2007). "New thinking on an old problem: An introduction to 'The Rural Health Workforce in Canada'." Cahiers de sociologie et de démographie médicales 47(4): 399-405.
Pong, R.W., B.T.B. Chan, T. Crichton, J. Goertzen, W. McCready, and J. Rourke (2007). "Big cities and bright lights: rural- and northern-trained physicians in urban practice." Canadian Journal of Rural Medicine 12(3): 153-160.
Sass-Korstak, A.M., J.T. Purdham, N. Kreiger, J. Frood, G. Darlington, and N.E. Lightfoot (2007). "Occupational risk factors for prostate cancer." American Journal of Industrial Medicine 50: 558-576.
Somers, G.T., R. Strasser, and B. Jolly (2007). "What does it take? The influence of rural upbringing and sense of rural background on medical students' intention to work in a rural environment." Journal of Rural and Remote Health 7 (Online): 706.
Strasser, S. and R.P. Strasser (2007). "The Northern Ontario School of Medicine: A long-term strategy to enhance the rural medical workforce." Cahiers de sociologie et de démographie médicales 47(4): 469-510.
Yantzi, N.M., M.W. Rosenberg, and P. McKeever (2007). "Getting out of the house: The challenges mothers face when their children have long-term care needs." Health and Social Care in the Community 15(1): 45-55.
Boydell, K.M., R.W. Pong, T. Volpe, K. Tilleczek*, E. Wilson, and S. Lemieux* (2006). "Family perspectives on pathways to mental health care for children and youth in rural communities." The Journal of Rural Health 22(2): 182-188.
Carter, L., E. Rukholm, S. Mossey, G. Viverais-Dresler, D. Bakker, and C. Sheehan (2006). "Critical thinking in the online nursing education setting: Raising the bar." Canadian Journal of University Continuing Education 32(1): 27-46.
Chan, B.T.B., N. Degani, T. Crichton, R.W. Pong, J.T. Rourke, J. Goertzen, and B. McCready (2006). "Duration of rural training during residency: Rural family physicians prefer 6 months." Canadian Family Physician 52 (Online): 210-211.
DesMeules, M., R.W. Pong, C. Lagacé, D. Heng*, D. Manuel, J.R. Pitblado, R. Bollman, J. Guernsey, A. Kazanjian, and I. Koren (2006). How Healthy Are Rural Canadians? An Assessment of Their Health Status and Health Determinants. Ottawa, Ontario: Canadian Institute for Health Information.
Doran, D., M.B. Harrison, H. Laschinger, J. Hirdes, E. Rukholm, S. Sidani, L. McGillis Hall, A.E. Tourangeau, and L. Cranley (2006). "Relationship between nursing interventions and outcome achievement in acute care settings." Research in Nursing and Health 29(1): 61-70.
Doran, D.M., M.B. Harrison, H.S. Laschinger, J.P. Hirdes, E. Rukholm, S. Sidani, L. McGillis Hall, and A.E. Tourangeau (2006). "Nursing-sensitive outcomes data collection in acute care and long-term-care settings." Nursing Research 55(2) Supplement 1: S75-S81.
Grace, S.L., S. Barry Bianchi, D.E. Stewart, E. Rukholm, and R.P. Nolan (2006). "Physical activity behavior, motivational readiness and self-efficacy among Ontarians with cardiovascular disease and diabetes." Journal of Behavioral Medicine 30(1): 21-29.
Hogenbirk, J.C., P.D. Brockway, J. Finley, P. Jennett, M. Yeo, D. Parker-Taillon, R.W. Pong, C.C. Szpilfogel, D. Reid, S. MacDonald-Rencz, and T. Cradduck (2006). "Framework for Canadian Telehealth Guidelines: Summary of the environmental scan." Journal of Telemedicine and Telecare 12(2): 64-70.
Hunt, D., E. Faries, O. McKenzie, J. Konkin, T. Szabo, and R. Strasser (2006). Understanding and Listening to Aboriginal Applicants to Medical School: Northern Ontario School of Medicine Working Paper. Thunder Bay, Ontario: Northern Ontario School of Medicine.
Kulig, J.C., N.J. Stewart, D.G. Morgan, M.E. Andrews, M.L.P. MacLeod, and J.R. Pitblado (2006). "Aboriginal nurses: Insights from a national survey." Canadian Nurse 102(4): 16-20.
Pong, R.W., L. Buske, and K.V. Nagarajan* (2006). "The rural medical workforce in Canada: Swimming against the current?" In A. Rotem, G. Perfilieva. M.R. Dal Poz, and B.D.H. Doan, eds. National Health Workforce Assessment of the Past and Agenda for the Future. Paris, France: Centre de sociologie et de démographie médicales.
Stewart, N.J., J.C. Kulig, K. Penz, M.E. Andrews, S. Houshmand, D.G. Morgan, M.L.P. MacLeod, J.R. Pitblado, and C. D'Arcy (2006). Aboriginal Nurses in Rural and Remote Canada: Results from a National Survey. Saskatoon, Saskatchewan: University of Saskatchewan, College of Nursing.
Tesson, G., V. Curran, R. Strasser, and R.W. Pong (2006). "Adapting medical education to meet the physician recruitment needs of rural and remote regions in Canada, the U.S. and Australia." In A. Rotem, G. Perfilieva. M.R. Dal Poz, and B.D.H. Doan, eds. National Health Workforce Assessment of the Past and Agenda for the Future. Paris, France: Centre de sociologie et de démographie médicales.
Tilleczek, K.C.* and D.W. Hine (2006). "The meaning of smoking as health and social risk in adolescence." Journal of Adolescence 29(2): 273-287.
Woodward, C.A. and R.W. Pong (2006). "Factors associated with open practices: Results from the Canadian National Family Physician Survey." Canadian Family Physician 52 (Online): 66-67.
Worley, P., D. Prideaux, R. Strasser, A. Magarey, and R. March (2006). "Empirical evidence for symbiotic medical education: A comparative analysis of community and tertiary-based programmes." Medical Education 40(2): 109-116.
Young, N.L., J. Bennie, W. Barden, P.T. Dick, and The Tele-HomeCare Team (2006). "An examination of quality of life of children and parents during their Tele-HomeCare experience." Telemedicine and e-Health 12(6): 663-671.
Young, N.L., W. Barden, P. McKeever, and P.T. Dick (2006). "Taking the call-bell home: A qualitative evaluation of Tele-HomeCare for children." Health and Social Care in the Community 14(3): 231-241.
Andrews, M.E., N.J. Stewart, J.R. Pitblado, D.G. Morgan, D. Forbes, and C. D'Arcy (2005). "Registered nurses working alone in rural and remote Canada." Canadian Journal of Nursing Research 37(1): 14-33.
Angus, J., E. Rukholm, R. St. Onge, R.P. Nolan, and J. Lapum (2005). "'Place', stress and the body: People at risk for coronary heart disease and the everyday production of health." Canadian Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing 15(4): 29.
Angus, J., S. Evans, J. Lapum, E. Rukholm, R. St Onge, R. Nolan, and I. Michel* (2005). "'Sneaky disease': The body and health knowledge for people at risk for coronary heart disease in Ontario, Canada." Social Science and Medicine 60(9): 2117-2128.
Chan, B.T.B., N. Degani, T. Crichton, R.W. Pong, J.T. Rourke, J. Goertzen, and B. McCready (2005). "Factors influencing family physicians to enter rural practice: Does rural or urban background make a difference?" Canadian Family Physician 51 (Online): 1246-1247.
Heng, D.*, I. Koren, J.R. Pitblado, and C. Lagacé (2005). "Census subdivision taxonomies: Rural-urban continua continued." American Journal of Epidemiology 161(Supplement 11): S135.
Heng, D.*, R.W. Pong, J.R. Pitblado, C. Lagacé, and M. Desmeules (2005). "Sources of data for rural health research: Development of an inventory of Canadian databases." Journal of Agricultural Safety and Health 11(2): 219-227.
Hogenbirk, J.C., R.W. Pong, and S.K. Lemieux* (2005). "Impact of telephone triage on medical service use: Implications for rural and remote areas." Journal of Agricultural Safety and Health 11(2): 229-237
Hutten-Czapski, P., R. Pitblado, and J. Rourke (2005). "Who gets into medical school? Comparison of students from rural and urban backgrounds." Canadian Family Physician 51 (Online): 1240-1241.
Lagacé, C., M. DesMeules, F. Wang, D. Heng*, R.W. Pong, and J.R. Pitblado (2005). "Chronic diseases, risk factors, and health behaviours in Canadians: A rural/urban comparison." American Journal of Epidemiology 161(Supplement 11): S133.
Lightfoot, N., S. Steggles, R. Arbour-Gagnon, M. Conlon, C. Innes, and L. O'Bonsawin (2005). "Psychological, physical, social, and economic impact of travelling great distances for cancer care." Current Oncology 12: 156-162.
Pitblado, J.R. (2005). "So, what do we mean by 'rural,' 'remote,' and 'northern'?" Canadian Journal of Nursing Research 37(1): 163-168.
Pitblado, J.R., J.M. Medves, and N.J. Stewart (2005). "For work and for school: Internal migration of Canada's rural nurses." Canadian Journal of Nursing Research 37(1): 102-121.
Pong, R.W. (2005). "Synthesis report: Health workforce distribution imbalances." Cahiers de sociologie et de démographie médicales 45(2-3): 345-355.
Pong, R.W. and J.R. Pitblado (2005). Geographic Distribution of Physicians in Canada: Beyond How Many and Where. Ottawa, Ontario: Canadian Institute for Health Information.
Sloan, C.*, R.W. Pong, V. Sahai*, R. Barnett, M. Ward, and J. Williams (2005). Triage Practices and Procedures in Ontario's Emergency Departments. Toronto, Ontario: Ontario Hospital Association.
Stewart, N.J., C. D'Arcy, J.R. Pitblado, D. Forbes, D.G. Morgan, G. Remus, B. Smith, and J.G. Kosteniuk (2005). Report of the National Survey of Nursing Practice in Rural and Remote Canada. Saskatoon, Saskatchewan: University of Saskatchewan.
Stewart, N.J., C. D'Arcy, J.R. Pitblado, D.G. Morgan, D. Forbes, G. Remus, B. Smith, M.E. Andrews, J. Kosteniuk, J.C. Kulig, and M.L.P. MacLeod (2005). "A profile of registered nurses in rural and remote Canada." Canadian Journal of Nursing Research 37(1): 122-145.
Tesson, G., V. Curran, R. Strasser, R.W. Pong, and D. Chivot (2005). "Les innovations de l'enseignement médical en vue du recrutement des médecins pour les régions rurales et éloignées au Canada, aux Etats-Unis et en Australie." Cahiers de sociologie et de démographie médicales 45: 229-253.
Tesson, G., V. Curran, R.W. Pong, and R. Strasser (2005). "Advances in rural medical education in three countries: Canada, the United States and Australia." Rural and Remote Health 5 (Online): 397. Available from: Also appears in Education for Health 18(3): 405-415.
Tilleczek, K.*, R.W. Pong, and S. Caty* (2005). "Innovations and issues in the delivery of continuing education to nurse practitioners in rural and northern communities." Canadian Journal of Nursing Research 37(1): 146-162.
Ward, M.S., V.S. Sahai*, K.C. Tilleczek*, J.L. Fearn, R.C. Barnett, and T. Zmijowskyj (2005). "Child and adolescent health in northern Ontario: A quantitative profile for public health planning." Canadian Journal of Public Health 96(4): 287-290.
Cox, J., G.W. Bota, M. Carter, J.A. Bretzlaff-Michaud, V. Sahai*, and B.H. Rowe* (2004). "Domestic violence: Incidence and prevalence in a northern emergency department." Canadian Family Physician 50: 90-97.
Hogenbirk, J.C. and R.W. Pong (2004). "An audit of the appropriateness of teletriage nursing advice." Telemedicine Journal and e-Health 10(1): 53-60.
Hutten-Czapski, P., R. Pitblado, and S. Slade (2004). "Short report: Scope of family practice in rural and urban settings." Canadian Family Physician 50: 1548-1550.
MacLeod, M.L.P., J.C. Kulig, N.J. Stewart, J.R. Pitblado, and M. Knock (2004). "The nature of nursing practice in rural and remote Canada." Canadian Nurse 100(6): 27-31.
MacLeod, M.L.P., J.C. Kulig, N.J. Stewart, and J.R. Pitblado (2004). Rural and Remote Nursing Practice: Final Report to Canadian Health Services Research Foundation. Prince George, British Columbia: University of Northern British Columbia.
Nagarajan, K.V.* (2004). "Rural and remote community health care in Canada: Beyond the Kirby Panel Report, the Romanow Report and the federal budget of 2003." Canadian Journal of Rural Medicine 9(4): 245-251.
Nagarajan, K.V.* (2004). "The place of health care in the 'People's Budget' of 2003: Romanow Lite?" Canadian Business Economics 3, 1 (March 2004): 1-14.
Tilleczek, K.C.* (2004). "The illogic of youth driving culture." Journal of Youth Studies 7(4): 473-498.
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